Air Dryer

Air Dryer

Capacity range1 TR to 400 TR
Temperature range(+) 10°C to (-) 45°C
Compressor typeSealed/ Semi-hermec/ Open scroll/ reciprocang/ Screw
Condenser typeFinned tube type, with aluminum fins,
internally grooved tubed and hydrophilic an-rust coating
RefrigerantR-407c, R-134a, R404a (CFC Free)
Electrical safetyMotor overload protection, voltage scanner
Mechanical safetySuction/ Discharge pressure Switch/ transmitter Sucon
discharge/ chilled water/ cooling water temperature sensors/transmitters, Chilled water/ Cooling water Flow Failure Trip
Design Ambient Temp.0°C to 50°C
Controller typePLC with HMI/Microprocessor/PID
StarterDOL/ Part winding/ (STD)/ VFD/ So starter (Optional)