Ammonia Refrigeration

Ammonia Refrigeration For Milk Plants, Brewery

Capacity range20 TR to 500 TR
Temperature range(+) 5°C to (-) 40°C
Compressor typeOpen Screw/Reciprocating
Evaporator typeShell & tube type, Plate heat exchanger
Condenser typeShell & tube type, Plate heat exchanger
Electrical safetyMotor overload protection, voltage scanner
Mechanical safetySucon/ Discharge pressure Switch/ transmier, Sucon
discharge/ chilled water/cooling water temperature sensors/transmitters, NRV liquid level controller level sight glass, Chilled water/ Cooling water Flow Failure Trip, Oil differential
Design Ambient Temp.0°C to 50°C
Controller typePID (STD)/ PLC with HMI/ Microprocessor Base (Oponal)
StarterDOL/ Part winding/ Star-Delta/ VFD/ So starter (Oponal)